Grade IV of the "Liceo delle Scienze Umane" won the first prize in the contest “A city is not enough: Chiara Lubich citizen of the world“. We may thus say that her legacy is still present and alive in Trento.
The contest aimed at having the students know the figure of Chiara Lubich on the centenary of her birth. Many schools all over Italy took part.
The students of Rormini High School carried out a project led by the teachers Ilaria Pasqualini and Silvia Peraro, and met several experts of different subjects: history of the city, economics, etc. They also visited the exhibition "Chiara Lubich city world".
In January 2020 some of the students met President Sergio Mattarellaat the Centro Mariapoli on his visit to Trento; and a room of the school was dedicated to Chiara Lubich.
Also the pandemic was, unexpectedly, part of this process of knowing the thought of Chiara Lubich. “During the lockdown last spring -the students wrote - we went through many hard and painful moments. Knowing Chiara's experience during the bombings in WWII allowed us to look at the current events from a different perspective. We tried to stay united in this new way of going to school, so that nobody was left behind, and to support each other".