The year 2020 marks the centenary of the birth in Trento of Chiara Lubich, the founder of the Focolare Movement. Chiara was a charismatic figure who, with her thought in the spiritual, civil, economic and political field, and with her action in favour of fraternity and peace, left a legacy which is now spread all over the world.
The Focolare Movement, together with many other entities and institutions, wants to “celebrate and meet” - as the title of this centenary states - her figure with many initiatives and events, both in Trento and across the world: exhibitions, shows, seminars and conferences on several topics, meetings of youth and religious – not only catholics and christians, but also people of other religious denominations and beliefs – and of scholars.
Trento, the birthplace of Chiara Lubich and the town where the Focolare Movement was founded in the 1940s, is a reference point of this centenary - both for its historical and symbolic value and for the events that will take place there. Indeed, the Gallerie di Piedicastello in Trento are the location of the exhibition “Chiara Lubich City World”, designed by the Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino (Historic Museum of Trention Foundation) and the Centro Chiara Lubich. The exhibition aims at guiding the visitor throughout a multimedial journey of encounter with Chiara, her thought, and her global perspective of fraternity – which is now more than ever a crucial issue. Trento will also host the central event of the year, on the 25th of January. Two events among many others, which will animate Trento throughout the whole year 2020.
Going to Trento for one or more of these events is of course a chance to visit the city and Primiero, another area which saw the birth of the Focolare: for these purpose, we designed two itineraries which will lead you along the discovery of the places which "made the history" of Chara Lubich and of the Movement she founded.
Whether you already know the figure of Chiara Lubich and the thought, or you hear about her for the first time, we welcome you to Trento in order to remember her and get to know her better together; and mostly to implement in our days the vision and the intuitions she left to us in every field.