"We do not want a year of commemoration, but to emphasise the gift of Chiara for us and for all mankind" said Jesùs Moran, co-president of the Focolare Movement, talking about the Centenary at the tv show Siamo Noi on Tv2000, on the 7th of January.
"It is not about celebrating- he added -, it is about rediscovering for ourselves the gift Chiara has been, this great engine of life, and put it ever more at the service of all mankind". si tratta piuttosto di riscoprire noi stessi il dono che è stato, questo motore di vita enorme, e metterlo sempre di più a produrre a servizio dell'umanità".
Moran mentionned, among the main events, the ones which are taking place in Trento: the exhibition "Chiara Lubich City World", and the arrival of president Mattarella on the 25th of January. On that day "the president will join us", said Moran, in "a meeting between the city of Trento and this outstanding citizen. This meeting is certainly one of the most important moments".