The tv movie "Chiara Lubich", produced by Eliseo Multimedia of Luca Barbareschi ad dedicated to the founder founder of the Focolare Movement on the Centenary of her birth, was presented on December 28th with a press conference. The movie will be broadcast on January 3rd on Rai1 in prime time.
Chiara Lubich is portayed by Cristiana Capotondi; and the screeplay was written by Francesco Arlanch, Luisa Cotta Ramosino, Lea Tafuri and Giacomo Campiotti.
Aurora Ruffino, Miriam Cappa, Greta Ferro, Valentina Ghelfi and Sofia Panizzi play the part of Chiara's friends; whereas Eugenio Franceschini is Gino, Chiara's brother.
“Chiara Lubich is a great personality, who put the common good before her own individuality - said Maria Pia Ammirati, director of Rai Fiction -. It was not easy to represent in a movie the figure of Chiara Lubich, an important personality for the Country, for the Church and for interreligious dialogue. Chiara Lubich is a multi-faceted woman, she is not just a woman of the Church".
"We decided to open the new season of Rai1 with Chiara Lubich - said the director of Rai1 Stefano Coletta -. I was lucky enough to know Chiara Lubich because I grew up with one of her nieces, Agnese. Campiotti's movie condenses her story in a very direct way, without rhetoric. Chiara Lubich was a woman who had met God, and had met Him not in mysticism, but in action".
The Provincia Autonoma di Trento also believed in this project, and supported it financially. “It is deeply connected to our territory – explained the president, Maurizio Fugatti -. Trentino identifies with the figure of Chiara Lubich. The broadcasting of the movie on Rai1 is a big moment for Trentino, a moment when the essence of the personality of Chiara Lubich and of our territory will gain recognition”.
The producer, Luca Barbareschi, expressed the wish that the figure of Chiara become “a symbol of courage”; and, in times of anti-Covid vaccinations, defined her “a vaccine for the spirit”.
The director, Giacomo Campiotti, stressed the fact that “Chiara Lubich is not a story just for the catholic or for the christian world. We attempted to make a movie for all, in the respect and in the richness of differences: it was a difficult movie. This screenplay was the hardest of my career”.
A point which was reiterated also by the leading actress, Cristiana Capotondi: “The story of Chiara Lubich is not confined to the religious world: it's a story that makes the difference, it's the sory of a woman who has a political vision. Which is what we need in our times. This production was a beautiful, spiritual and immersive experience. We truly created a Focolare while we worked”.
The trailer of the movie can be viewed here.
The movie can also be seen from countries other than Italy: all the information can be found here.